A Guide to Bringing Your Guinea Pigs Home

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

By David Emery

The First Few Days

Bring your guinea pigs home and introducing them to their new living quarters is a rather important and also stressful time in the life of these little animals. After bringing your pet home you will, of course, be tempted to hold and cuddle them, thinking that this will comfort them as it would a baby or small child. However, doing this to a guinea pig who is in a strange, frightening location can cause them great stress.

Let the first few days they are home to be for exploring their cage in a quiet environment free from stress or loud noises, both of which will scare the guinea pig.


To ensure that bringing your guinea pigs home is a positive experience for everyone, especially for the guineas, you will need a cage with a hiding place inside. Every guinea pig will need their own little spot to feel safe and sound.

Don't Loom!

Notice everyone in the family hovering around the cage? Watching the guinea pigs every move? Although cute and interesting, doing this is definitely going to scare the little guys!

This makes your pet think that an eagle is swooping down to attack, and causes him to be very scared. Instead, when you want to observe your pet, kneel down to eye level with the cage. This will allow him to see you as more of a friend, and less of a foe.


Perhaps the best way to get your pets to trust you after bringing your guinea pigs home is by using bribery, which may sound strange at first, but it actually does work. Bribing your guinea pig in order to gain their trust is a simple yet effective way of making the animal more comfortable with you and their new home.

Bribing a guinea pig, who usually have great appetites, with treats is ideal for showing them that you are there to help and not harm them.

Best Bribing Ways?

It isn't hard to bribe your guinea pig with treats so they'll trust you.

Start by showing your pet the delicious treat you're offering them, then set it at the open door of the cage. Sit just outside, with your hands in your lap, and wait.

If after a few minutes have passed your guinea pig still isn't showing any interest in the food, take the treat away, close the door to the cage quietly, then leave. Doing this a few times will convey the message to your pet that they must come to the open cage door in order to get the treat.

Every time your pet moves toward his or her treat, move a bit closer to them and their cage allowing them ample time to get used to your being so near.

Before long, your pet will eventually take the treat from you, but probably with plenty of trepidation in the beginning. However, with even more patience on your part your guinea pig will be nibbling treats right from you hand without any fear at all and even become happy and excited when they see you.

To Pick Your Guinea Pig Up...

Don't lure your guinea pig with treats in order to pick him up, because you're going to hurt the tentative bond of trust you've built with him, and possibly damage any relationship in the future.

Start by slowly and gently petting and stroking the guinea pig, letting them see you aren't a predator but instead their friend and new family member.

The Actual Holding

It's extremely important to pick up and hold a guinea pig with great caution as these little animals are shaped in such a way that lung damage and broken bones are possible if they aren't held correctly.

The rear of the guinea pig should be supported while cupping their upper body and slowly lifting upward. Never squeeze or hold a guinea pig too hard but instead hold them gently but securely.

Carry your guinea pig with great care and remind young children of the importance of being gentle with their pet. A guinea pig could be easily injured if dropped even from a short distance because of their small and delicate bones.

Relaxing Your Guinea Pig

Imagine relaxing on the couch curled up with a good book in one hand and the other busy petting your sweet little guinea pig. This peaceful scene will take some practice before it becomes a reality, but it's definitely possible to get cozy with your guinea pigs.

When you first handle your guinea pig, do so in a quiet room, and make sure that nothing is going on. Have a treat ready, and see if you can get him to eat it on your lap.

With some patience and understanding, bringing your guinea pigs home can be an exciting and enjoyable experience for everyone.

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